

弃邪归正[qì xié guī zhèng]


词典mend one's ways改过;卖刀买犊;归正;改恶从善。

词典alter [change] from bad to good

词典amend one's conduct弃邪归正。

词典break away from the evil and return to the virtuous way弃邪归正。

词典a change of heart改变主意,变心,弃邪归正;心回意转。

弃邪归正 汉英大词典

弃邪归正[qì xié guī zhèng]

mend one's ways; alter [change] from bad to good; amend one's conduct; break away from the evil and return to the virtuous way; cleanse one's heart and begin a new life; correct one's conduct; cut off [abandon; drop; give up] one's bad habits; forsake here

弃邪归正 网络解释

1. a change of heart:a change of heart 改变主意;变心, 变节;弃邪归正 | a change of life 更年期, 绝经期 | a change of mind 改变主意

弃邪归正 双语例句

1. 弃邪归正在线翻译

1. 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可能像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。
    Whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which''.

2. 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可能像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。她就死在她过去一直睡觉的床上,但在她的心里却是一片空虚,就像被埋葬在沙漠中一样,而且这个沙漠比埋葬玛侬的沙漠更干燥、更荒凉、更无情。
    Whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which Manon had been interred.

3. 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可能像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。她就死在她过去一直睡觉的床上,但在她的心里却是一片空虚,就像被埋葬在沙漠中一样,而且这个沙漠比埋葬玛侬的沙漠更干燥、更荒凉、更无情。
    Manon died in a desert, it is true, but in the terms of the man who loved her with all the strength of his soul and who, when she was dead, dug a grave for her, watered it with his tears and buried his heart with her; whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which Manon had been interred.