

弋阳腔[yì yánɡ qiānɡ]


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弋阳腔 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 实际上,这些南戏声腔虽然可能受到了广泛流播的弋阳腔的影响,但在音乐特质上仍然存在本质的差异。
    In fact, Nan Xi Sheng Qiang is somewhat affected by widely-submitted Ye yang tune-patterns, but there is still substantial discrepancy on music idiosyncrasy between them.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 于明末清初时,由弋阳腔演变成四平腔,后又受昆山腔影响而成。
    In the late Ming and early Qing, Yiyang from cavity into a cavity Siping, Kunshan and then by cavities from the impact.

3. 明清两代在江西形成的戏曲声腔,除去早先的弋阳腔,还有后起的宜黄腔也是负有盛名的。
    The formation of the Ming and Qing dynasties in Jiangxi opera tune starts earlier Yi-yang, there is also a great reputation in the emerging Yihuang cavity.

4. 弋阳腔的意思

4. 首先,根据声腔的不同,将选本中的折子戏分为昆山腔本和青阳腔、弋阳腔本。
    First, on the basis of their musical styles the anthologized editions of The Lute are divided into Kunshan-style editions and Qingyang-style and Yiyang-style editions.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 湘西阳戏的声腔源于弋阳腔,演员在表演时常常运用真假声相结合的方法演唱,有自己独特的音乐特征。
    The tune pattern of Yang drama, which has now taken on its unique musical features, came of the Yiyang tune in the production of which the singers combines authentic voice with falsetto.

6. 从用调习惯、方言韵和方言白考出均属弋阳腔传奇;
    Judging from the choice of tones, and rhymes and dialogues in local dialect, the five scripts were written for the Yiyang opera.

7. 从源流上看,它直接承袭宋元南戏而来,并受到明代弋阳腔戏曲的广泛影响;从文本上看,它既具有浓厚的文学意蕴,又富含生动的舞台效果。
    They directly originated from Nanxi of Song and Yuan, and were extensively affected by Yiyang dramas of Ming. Their texts were not only having strong literary meaning, but also having rich vivid stage effects.

8. 昆山腔的革新与弋阳腔的衍变是在明代中叶东南地区出现资本主义生产关系萌芽的历史背景下发生的。
    Kunshan cavity Innovation and Evolution of Yiyang Tune in south-eastern regions of the mid-Ming Dynasty, the capitalist relations of production budding historical background to happen.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 出自江西的弋阳腔,从明初到明中叶,已遍布于安徽、浙江、江苏、湖南、湖北、福建、广东、云南、贵州、北京等地,成为南戏四大声腔中流行最广,影响也最大的声腔。
    From Jiangxi Yiyang Tune, from the early Ming Ming the middle, has spread in Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Hunan, Hubei, Fujian, Guangdong, Yunnan, Guizhou, Beijing and other places in South play the four most widely popular among Tune, the greatest impact of Tune.