

当家作主[dāng jiā zuò zhǔ]

词典be master in one's own house -- be in power当家作主。

词典be the master of one's own affairs [destiny]

当家作主 汉英大词典

当家作主[dāng jiā zuò zhǔ]

be master in one's own house -- be in power; be the master of one's own affairs [destiny]:

  例:在我们国家里, 劳动人民当家作主

    In our country the working people are the masters.

当家作主 网络解释

1. masters of the country:mass organizations 人民团体 | masters of the country 当家作主 | material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物质文化需要

2. be the masters of the country:大起大落 drastic fluctuations | 当家作主 be the masters of the country | 翻天覆地 earth-shaking

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. wear the pants:269. rule the roost 高居首位 | 270. wear the pants 当家作主 | 271. turn tail 避免麻烦或者困难

4. ownership:owners' interest;所有人权益;; | ownership;拥有权; 所有权;当家作主;自己掌握;; | ownership interest;股权;;