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形影相依 双语例句

1. 形影相依

1. 吉姆,现在咱们不得不闭着两眼去探宝,我总觉得这样做很危险。你我必须形影不离,相依为命。那样的话,即使运气再不好,咱们也不致于掉脑袋。
    And now, Jim, we're to go in for this here treasure hunting, with sealed orders, too, and I don't like it; and you and me must stick close, back to back like, and we'll save our necks in spite o'fate and fortune.

2. 形影相依

2. 从前,草原上有一个叫苏和的牧民,和一匹聪明的白马相依为命,形影不离。
    Once upon a time, there is a prairie called on the Soviet Union and the pastoralists, and a smart white相依为命, inseparable.

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3. 田野十分辽阔,直到那葱绿的平原的尽头,也看不到任何其他的树木,只有这两株远远分隔着的树,形影相依地伫立在田野中间。
    The field is very far-flung and in sight until the end of verdant plains. There are no others trees in sight except for the two trees distant from each other standing in the middle of the field.