






往生咒 双语例句

1. 往生咒的意思

1. 至於帮助解除痛苦,往生咒、解冤咒及我所写的阿弥陀佛圣号符都是可以火化或持念来平息冤亲债主。
    To help relieve pain, Wang Sheng Zhou, Jie Yuan Zhou and the Namo Amitabha Buddha mantra sheet I wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors.

2. 现在我教你念阿弥陀佛的往生咒,然后你就拜阿弥陀佛好了。
    Now ill teach you the Amitabha Buddha mantra, and you may worship the Amitabha buddha.

3. 往生咒是什么意思

3. 他回去以后一直念往生咒和阿弥陀佛的法号,很诚心,但是一年过去了,还是没什么结果。
    He persisted in chanting the mantra and the holy name of Amitabha Buddha very sincerely. however, a year passed and he received no response.

4. 陈姜昆扮演焚化往生咒符的军队,普通淹没了营中最近一群野蛮人。
    Chen Kun plays Wang Sheng, a general whose army recently overrun the camp of a group of barbarians.

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5. 至于帮助解除痛苦,往生咒、解冤咒及我所写的阿弥陀佛圣号符都是可以火化或持念来平息冤亲债主。
    To help relieve pain, Wang Sheng zhou, Jie Yuan Zhou and the namo Amitabha Buddha mantra sheet I wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors.

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6. 可否请您慈悲地提示我,亡者如何以及为什么可以从焚化往生咒符而得到利益?
    Could you kindly remind me how and why the deceased benefit from the burned Wang Sheng zhou?