

征敛[zhēnɡ liǎn]


征敛 双语例句

1. 令彼征敛者,迫之如火煎。她看到被告进了银行,并企图撬开门锁。
    The people you force to pay the poll Are like creatures frying over a fire.

2. 然而,倘若政府不是在事先或事后征敛民财的话,它没有钱给企业资金上的帮助。
    But the government can give no financial help to business that it does not first or finally take from business.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 最后,作者归纳并深入分析了权力资本的五种主要表现形式:经营型权力资本,信息型权力资本,信用型权力资本,征敛型权力资本,职位效应型权力资本。
    Finally, 5 main forms of power capital are summed up: operational, informational, credit, collective and postition power capital.