



待援 双语例句

1. 在没有取胜可能及撤退希望的情况下,赵军在一座山上构筑了壁垒,固守待援
    With no hope of attacking or retreating, the Zhao forces built fortifications on a hill, preparing to wait for reinforcements.

2. 另外,旗山镇竹寮巷上午11时也传出有200名居民受困待援
    In addition, the town of Penny Lane Chishan 11:00 There are also reported to be 200 residents trapped assistance.

3. 待援的意思

3. 第二兵团勉强开拔后行动迟缓,尚未赶到,待援的第七兵团已被全歼。
    This group marched, but its movement was reluctant and slow and the force it was to rescue was totally eliminated before it arrived.

4. 在战场上,因为我是进攻,敌是防御;我是多兵处外线,敌是少兵处内线;我是速决,敌虽企图持久待援,但不能由他作主
    On the battlefield we shall be on the offensive and the enemy on the defensive, we shall be employing superior numbers on exterior lines and the enemy inferior numbers on interior lines, and we shall seek quick decisions, while the enemy, try as he may, will not be able to protract the fighting in the expectation of reinforcements

5. 王家义见情况危急,带领30人占领一所大院,命令把守墙头阻击敌人冲锋,待援突围,作好与大院共存亡的准备。
    In critical condition, see Wang Yi, who led the occupation of a 30 compound and ordered the enemy guarding the top of a wall blocking the Emergency, when assistance to break out of the compound were prepared and ready to survival.

6. 我军可以固守待援
    Our forces could hold until reinforcements arrived.

7. 但这一假想的前提是基于泰坦尼克号是不会沉没的,至少能自己漂浮在海上待援
    This scenario was based on the perception that Titanic could not possibly sink, but would floa