

得意忘形[dé yì wàng xíng]



词典get [grow] dizzy with success

词典become highly conceited得意忘形。

词典be on cloud nine欣喜若狂;得意忘形。

词典elated to the degree of forgetting one's form得意忘形。

得意忘形 汉英大词典

得意忘形[dé yì wàng xíng]

get [grow] dizzy with success; become highly conceited; be on cloud nine; elated to the degree of forgetting one's form; go wild with joy; have one's head turned by success; lose all bearings in a moment of pride and satisfaction; puffed up with pride:


    His head is easily turned by even a small achievement.

得意忘形 网络解释

1. to leap out of one's skin:畢恭畢敬 He always treats his boss cap in hand. | 得意忘形 to leap out of one's skin | 捷足先登 The early bird catches the worm.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. be on cloud nine:Every cloud has a silver lining 塞翁失马,焉知非福 | be on cloud nine得意忘形 | out one's coat according to one's cloth量入为出

3. on cloud nine:nothing of the kind 决非如此的事物 | on cloud nine 得意忘形 | on the face of it 乍看起来;从表面判断

4. 得意忘形是什么意思

4. bloat:bloat 肿胀病人 | bloat 得意忘形 | bloated 发胀的