

循名责实[xún míng zé shí]

词典expect the reality to correspond to the name循名责实。

词典create the reality that will correspond to the name循名责实。

词典live up to the name循名责实。

词典see that reality corresponds to claims or pretensions循名责实。

循名责实 汉英大词典

循名责实[xún míng zé shí]

expect the reality to correspond to the name; create the reality that will correspond to the name; live up to the name; see that reality corresponds to claims or pretensions; require the reality to correspond to the name:

  例:循名责实, 这就是今天的工作。

    Our present task is to create the reality that will fit the name.

循名责实 网络解释

1. xun ming ze shi:循名究理 xun ming jiu li | 循名责实 xun ming ze shi | 寻求超越 xun qiu chao yue