

循沿 双语例句

1. 本文在诸多现有的体育文化的研究基础上,循沿历史的轨迹,从文化沿承的视野来对中西方传统体育文化的产生与发展历程及其文化特征内涵作比较探讨,有助于我们从社会学的角度理解体育文化及其发展趋势并提供有益的启示。1中西方传统体育形成的文化背景与价值内涵1.1中西方传统体育形成的文化背景本文所指的中国传统体育,主要是指以气功和武术为代表的中国传统体育
    Among them, the cultural background, the value connotation and the national psychology deeply affect the Chinese-Western national sports development.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 工会渐渐出现,起初循沿海岸,然后在象布法罗、匹兹堡、辛辛那提和圣路易这些内地城市展开。
    Trade-unions began to appear, first along the seaboard, then at such interior points as Buffalo, Pittsburgh, cincinnati and St.

3. 工会渐渐出现,起初循沿海岸,然后在象布法罗、匹兹堡、辛辛那提和圣路易这些内地城市展开。
    Trade-unions began to appear, fir ST along the seaboard, then at such interior points as Buffalo, Pittsburgh, cincinnati and ST.

4. 工会渐渐出现,起初循沿海岸,然后在象布法罗、匹兹堡、辛辛那提和圣路易这些内地城市展开。
    Trade-unions began to appear, first along the seaboard, then at such interior points as Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis.