


词典indisposition小病; 不舒服; 不情愿;无意。


词典slight illness病痛;头疼脑热;不适。

微恙 网络解释

1. 微恙是什么意思

1. indisposition:indisposed 厌恶的, 不能的, 不适当的 (形) | indisposition 不舒服; 不愿意; 微恙; 嫌恶 (名) | indisputable 无争论之余地的; 明白的 (形)

微恙 双语例句

1. 在本期经济学家印发时,正是泰国国王的生日前夕,据说他身体微恙,不能一如既往的对国民发表讲话。
    As The Economist went to press, on the eve of the king's birthday, he was reported to be unwell, and unable to deliver his usual annual speech to the nation.

2. 微恙

2. 我感觉有点不适,可能是出国旅行时偶染微恙
    I think I picked up some kind of bug in my travels abroad.

3. 我感觉有点不适,可能是出国旅行时偶染微恙
    I think I picked up somekind of bug in my travels abroad.

4. 微恙的意思

4. 亲爱的 安:我听说你身体微恙
    Dear Ann I heard that you often get ill.

5. 一部分的处处们由于身体微恙需要在接下来的几天好好休息下。
    Some of you may have slight health problem that will require you to take rest for few days.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 日本经济微恙的解决之道有可能就在中国东海的另一边吗?
    Could a solution to Japan's economic malaise be just across the East China Sea?

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 你应当去拜访朋友,或最近身有微恙的亲戚。
    You should visit a friend or relative who hasn't been feeling up to par.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 但不论何时,我们当中的一个生病了,另一个都会送去一句鼓励,或者讲一个微恙的笑话。而后来我才发现,我们做这些时,已在他生命的最后十八个月。
    But whenever one of us fell ill - which happened often during what proved the final year-and-a-half of his life -- the other never failed to turn up with a word of cheer or an off-color joke.

9. 但不论何时,我们当中的一个生病了,另一个都会送去一句鼓励,或者讲一个微恙的笑话。而后来我才发现,我们做这些时,已在他生命的最后十八个月。
    But whenever one of us fell ill - which happened often during what prov ed the final year-and-a-half of his life -- the other never failed to turn up with a word of cheer or an off-color joke.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 起床时,您觉得身体微恙
    When you wake up, you feel a little under the weather.

11. 微恙的翻译

11. 如果没有好好照顾自己或是过度劳累,身体会有微恙
      Minor health problems may flare up if you haven't been taking care of yourself or have been burning the candle at both ends.

12. 由于布思先生偶染微恙,卡特先生将代替他参加会议。
      Because of Mr booth's indisposition, Mr Carter will be attending the meeting instead.

13. 他想到他的伯父体弱微恙,躺在奥德利庄院府邸的栎木房间里。
      He thought of his uncle, lying weak and ill in the oak-room at Audley Court.

14. 身体微恙会降低你的活力。
      Minor health problems may lower your vitality.

15. 微恙的解释

15. 甜普顿,是一只混种的大肚母猪,不过它身体微恙
      She is a mixed breed, part potbellied pig. But she isn't very well.