

心心念念[xīn xīn niàn niàn]


词典keep thinking about [of] ...

词典constantly thinking of...心心念念。

词典anxiously longing for...心心念念。

心心念念 汉英大词典

心心念念[xīn xīn niàn niàn]

keep thinking about [of] ...; constantly thinking of...; anxiously longing for...

心心念念 网络解释

1. 心心念念

1. for satisfied:and i mourn and weep 远徙吾身 | for satisfied 心心念念 | i never sleep 辗转难眠

心心念念 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 搜集你作决定所需要的相关信息,基于你清晰的的理由作出准确明了的决定,并在你确定自己的决定那一刻立即将你的决定付诸于实践,不要再心心念念着你所作的决定,继续实施你的决定,平淡理智地看待决定所造成的结果,从而继续按照这个过程循环往复的作出更多的决定。
    Take all the relevant information you need to make a decision, make a crystal clear decisions based on crystal clear justifications, act on it in the heat of the moment to affirm it, let go of any emotional attachment to the decision, continue to act on it, observe what happens as a result neutrally, and continue the cycle to make more decisions accordingly.

2. 心心念念的意思

2. 他心心念念地想当个飞行员。
    He is set on becoming a pilot.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 许多人总是心心念念想着吃的东西。
    Food has become an obsession for many people.

4. 时间总是过得很快的,尤其是和自己心心念念的人待在一起,那更是一眨眼的功夫,时间就从指缝中溜走了。
    Time always run fast, especially when you are with the one you treasures in your heart all the time.

5. 最后一个,我肯定你心心念念盼望老久了:你就要去XXX了么?
    And the last one and I'm sure you're already expecting it: are you going to Ferrari?

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 就这么心心念念盼着别人从未许下的承诺。
    To put all your hopes in a promise that was never made?

7. 心心念念

7. 心心念念想着,你是否会永远等我
    Would you wait for me forever?

8. 她当时并没有哭;她心心念念的只有一桩事情,那就是她孩子的安全。
    She did not then weep; her high wrought feelings were fixed on one object alone, the safety of her child.