

忍俊不禁[rěn jùn bù jīn]

词典simmer with laughter忍俊不禁。

词典cannot avoid laughing at忍俊不禁。

词典cannot help smiling忍俊不禁。

词典cannot hold back a smile忍俊不禁。

忍俊不禁 汉英大词典

忍俊不禁[rěn jùn bù jīn]


simmer with laughter; cannot avoid laughing at; cannot help smiling; cannot hold back a smile; can't help chuckling (with one's face covered); could not refrain [keep] from laughing; laugh in spite of oneself; (be so pleased with oneself that one) laughed

忍俊不禁 网络解释

1. 忍俊不禁是什么意思

1. simmer with laughter:toothpaste smile [美口]牙膏广告上露出皓齿的微笑 | simmer with laughter 忍俊不禁 | smile on sb. 朝某人微笑

2. busts out laughing:I just ran it through the computer 我通过电脑一查 | busts out laughing 忍俊不禁 | Ross nods yes 点头称是

忍俊不禁 双语例句

1. 话刚一说完,被推门进来的华太师一下拍死当场,实在是忍俊不禁
    Then just finished, the door was pushed in.太师Chinese film about the death on the spot, it is simmer with laughter.

2. 听了他那荒谬的意见,我忍俊不禁走开了。
    On hearing his absurd opinion, i went snickering.

3. 忍俊不禁的翻译

3. 你不觉得那些猴子讨东西吃的动作把游人逗得个个都忍俊不禁吗?
    Don't you think that the way those monkeys ask for food makes every one of the travelers laugh uncontrollably?

4. 他仅知第一层意思,于是探头看看窗外发生了什么,结果兜头淋了一盆又一盆脏水,读者可以想象出他那一副滑稽狼狈样,令人忍俊不禁
    Just then a basin of dirty water poured over his head.

5. 朝某人微笑 smirk 傻笑;假笑
    Simmer with laughter 忍俊不禁 smile on sb.

6. 忍俊不禁

6. 可他的手不听使唤,结果把图画得不象样,引得大家暗地里忍俊不禁
    He sponged out lines and remade them; but he only distorted them more than ever, and the tittering was more pronounced.

7. 我们忍俊不禁
    We couldn't withhold our laughter!

8. 忍俊不禁什么意思

8. 读完后,我忍俊不禁,后又思绪万千。
    After reading, I simmer with laughter, then a myriad of thoughts.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

9. 看到这里你也许会忍俊不禁,原因是桑丘的回答非常简单,但它也包含着一种极其朴素的智慧,正如他的主人表扬他说,桑丘,你说出来的话,往往超过你的智慧呢。
    You might see here simmer with laughter, because Sancho's answer is very simple, but it also contains the wisdom of an extremely simple, as in recognition of his master, he said, Sancho, you say so, often more than your wisdom it.

10. 你如果是一个信奉斯多葛哲学的人,看到我和我的小家庭成员共进晚餐的情景,也一定会忍俊不禁。我坐在中间,俨然是全岛的君王。我对自己的臣民拥有绝对的生杀之权。
    It would have made a Stoick smile to have seen, me and my little Family sit down to Dinner; there was my Majesty the Prince and Lord of the whole island; I had the Lives of all my Subjects at my absolute Command.

11. 忍俊不禁的意思

11. 主持人是人称麻辣女王的蓝心湄,惊人的语言,夸张的动作总让人忍俊不禁
      Host is called Miss Congeniality of the Lanxin Mei, amazing language, exaggerated action leads people to laugh.

12. 这些饱经世事沧桑、混迹于三教九流、游走于龙鱼之间的艺人,不仅可以为你演唱各种戏曲、民谣,还善于察言观色,在你觥筹交错,酒酣耳热之际,用最时尚的妙言谐语为你现编现演,一首首流行歌曲和民谣演绎得让你忍俊不禁、捧腹开怀。
      These folk artists who well-versed in the way of society can not only skilled in a variety of Chinese opera and ballad, but also good at improvisational performance as you warmed with wine, one and yet another folk or popular songs make you could not refrain from laughter.

13. 每当我打开记忆的天窗,除了比赛场上的滑稽动作之外,童年的这一件事总是会浮现在我的眼前,想起那时的天真无知,我都会忍俊不禁地笑了起来。
      Whenever I open the memory window, in addition to the playing field antics, the childhood of this one thing will always come in my eyes, think of the innocent and ignorant at that time, I will simmer with laughter and laughed.

14. 忍俊不禁的意思

14. 它们常常会为争吃一条鱼虫撞得人仰马翻,那场面真叫人忍俊不禁
      They will usually eat a for, that scene really makes people simmer with laughter.

15. 忍俊不禁的近义词

15. 他笑口大开,赤脚打坐,形象生动有趣,令人忍俊不禁
      He laughed the mouth wide open, barefoot meditation, image lively and interesting, it simmer with laughter.

16. 想起刚才我们两人挤挤推推的往上走很搞笑的样子,真是让人忍俊不禁
      Think just the two of us pushing and squeezing squeeze of rising in a very funny look, really people simmer with laughter.

17. 几乎每个男人在他的一生中都曾经面对这样的情景而忍俊不禁:一个妇女在数九寒天里穿着薄薄的衣衫瑟瑟发抖,或者穿着精制的鞋子款款地踏过深深的积雪。
      There are hardly be a man who hasn`t atsome time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in aflimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way throughdeep snow in dainty shoes.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. 几乎每个男人在他的一生中都曾经面对这样的情景而忍俊不禁:一个妇女在数九寒天里穿着薄薄的衣衫瑟瑟发抖,或者穿着精制的鞋子款款地踏过深深的积雪。
      There are hardly be a man who hasn`t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 这一方面是由于他那些美术作品引起的反应,使他忍俊不禁
      Partly it was the reception of his own artistic production that tickled him.

20. 女王尽力保持着镇静和尊严,而菲利普亲王、长公主、查尔斯王储和哈里王子已经忍俊不禁了。
      While she gamely tried to maintain her poise and dignity, Philip, the Princess Royal and Princes Charles and Harry fought a losing battle to stifle their mirth.