1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. aqnn:开诚相见aqmn | 忙月aqnn | 忙叨aqod
1. 忙月
1. 忙月的时候我们需要大量的劳动力来收割庄稼。
In busy months, we need a large labour force to reap the harvest.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 一项纪录表明三千八百七十万美国居民将在感恩节期间旅行五十英里的路程,有些人还希望挑战号称年度最忙月的傍晚下班高峰期。
A record 38.7 million U. S. residents were expected to travel 50 miles or more for the holiday. Some were hoping to beat the evening rush on what is often called the busiest travel day of the year.
3. 忙月的翻译
3. 我家只有一个忙月(我们这里给人做工的分三种:整年给一定人家做工的叫长工;按日给人做工的叫短工;自己也种地,只在过年过节以及收租时候来给一定人家做工的称忙月),忙不过来,他便对父亲说,可以叫他的儿子闰土来管祭器的。
Since the sacrificial vessels were very exquisite and there were many people came to worship, it was necessary for our family to take care of in case of being stolen. There was only one helper at busier time and it was impossible for him to do all the housework, he asked my father to allow his son to help him.
4. danci.911cha.com
4. 本月是农家的忙月。
This month is busy season for doing farm work.