1. 忠魂的反义词
1. 给沟谷一地豪爽,玉骨忠魂。
To the valley a forthright manner, jade bone Loyal.
2. 义胆忠魂》是他最喜欢看的影片。
A Brave Heart and a Loyal Soul is his favorite film.
3. 忠魂是什么意思
3. 让我们行动起来,在家庭做孝顺父母、关怀他人的美德少年,在学校做团结友爱、创新进取的新同学;在社区我们做讲究文明、保护环境的好公民,以实际行动呼唤祖国美好的明天,告慰烈士的忠魂。
Let us swing into action to make filial at home parents, care to others the virtues of youth, at school make solidarity, innovation and enterprising new Student; to do in the community about our civilization, the good citizens protect the environment and take practical action to call for a bright future homeland, consolable martyrs Here.
4. 林肯总统被邀请在那个埋葬忠魂的地方发表演讲。
President Lincoln had been asked to come to Gettysburg to say a few words at the dedication of a military burial place.
5. 岳云留浩气,湘水吊忠魂&从比较看长沙会战的光辉胜利
On the Glorious Victory of Changsha Battle by Comparison