



忧苦 双语例句

1. 所以我拿定了主意,不再带忧苦到你们那里去
    For I decided not to come to you again in painful circumstances.

2. 忧苦什么意思

2. 我的灵魂,你为何悲伤,为何忧苦
    Why are you downcast, my soul, why do you groan within me?

3. 我们将来也一定会遇上困难和忧苦的情况,天主不会让我们免於这一切。
    There will certainly be difficulties and distressing situations in the future, too.

4. 疲乏的,忧苦的人说:美是温柔的微语,在我们心灵中说话。
    The tired and the weary say, beauty is of soft whisperings. She speaks in our spirit.

5. 不要扰乱忧苦人的心灵,也不要迟延接济有急难的人。
    Afflict not the heart of the needy, and defer not to give to him that is in distress.

6. 不要扰乱忧苦人的心灵,也不要迟延接济有急难的人。
    Do not exasperate the downtrodden; delay not to give to the needy.

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7. 好叫他们喝了,完全忘掉自己的贫乏,不再记忆自己的忧苦
    Let them drink, and forget their want, and remember their sorrow no more.

8. 忧苦

8. 从这个先前的传统对照来看,我们应该把极度忧苦和耶稣被捕这两个事件放在不同的位置。
    From this comparison of ancient traditions, we must situate the Agony and the arrest of Jesus in two separate plots or groves.

9. 忧苦的意思

9. 他一见孩童没有与我们在一起,就必死无疑;那你的仆人们就要使你的仆人,我们的父亲带着白发在忧苦中下入阴府了。
    And your servants will thus send the white head of our father down to the nether world in grief.

10. 忧苦

10. 天主,我既贫乏而又忧苦,愿你的救助赐给我卫护。
    But I am afflicted and in pain; let your saving help protect me, God

11. 忧苦

11. 我在万般的痛心忧苦中,流著许多泪给你们写了信,并不是为叫你们忧苦,而是为叫你们认清我对你们所有的爱,多麽卓绝。
      So afflicted and worried was I when I wrote to you, that I even shed tears. I did not intend to cause you pain, but rather to let you know of the immense love that I have for you.

12. 忧苦

12. 那你的仆人们就要使你的仆人,我们的父亲带着白发在忧苦中下入阴府了。
      Your servants will bring down the gray hairs of your servant, our father, with sorrow to Sheol.

13. 忧苦是什么意思

13. 因为如果我使你们忧苦,那麽,除了那由我而受忧苦的人外,又有谁可使我欢乐呢?
      For if I make you sorrowful, who is he then that can make me glad, but the same who is made sorrowful by me?

14. 忧苦在线翻译

14. 像是忧苦的,却常常喜乐;
      As sorrowful, yet always rejoicing;

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15. 因为按照天主圣意而来的忧苦,能产生再不返悔的悔改,以致于得救;世间的忧苦却产生死亡。
      For godly sorrow produces a salutary repentance without regret, but worldly sorrow produces death.