1. 我的念念不舍的童年其实就是对爱的珍藏。
Give up my childhood in fact believed that the treasure of love.
2. 念念不舍是什么意思
2. 藤条儿正茁壮地成长,长得越来越好,我真是对它念念不舍啊!
Rattan children are flourish, grow better and better, I am so obsessed with having left it ah!
3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
3. 我只不过献出了一个男人而已,还那么念念不舍,而他非但献出了四个,却还鼓励他们有加。
I`d given one man and thought it too much, while he gave four without grudging them.
4. 念念不舍在线翻译
4. 舞一直跳到了凌晨三点钟,所有的鞋子都已磨穿了,到这时,她们才念念不舍地离开。
When they were on the steps the soldier ran ahead and got into bed.
5. 念念不舍
5. 瓦格纳在这里与世长辞……这个城市昔日的光荣与梦想通过保存异常完好的建筑延续到今天,它独特的气氛令游人感到如受魔法,令凡是来过的威尼斯游客都念念不舍,乐而忘返。
Wagner, passed away here in this city of former......
6. 念念不舍的翻译
6. 舞一直跳到了凌晨三点钟,所有的鞋子都已磨穿了,到这时,她们才念念不舍地离开。
The princes rowed them back across the water.
7. 念念不舍
7. 威尼斯有毁于火中又重生的凤凰歌剧院,伟大的文艺复兴和拜占庭式建筑,世界上最美的广场之一—圣马可广场,有美得令人窒息的回廊,大师安东尼奥尼电影中最美的段落有一些就在这儿拍摄;这儿是文艺复兴的一个重镇,产过历史上最重要的画派之一:威尼斯画派;德国音乐大师理查德瓦格纳在这里与世长辞……这个城市昔日的光荣与梦想通过保存异常完好的建筑延续到今天,它独特的气氛令游人感到如受魔法,令凡是来过的威尼斯游客都念念不舍,乐而忘返。
Venice was destroyed by fire in the rebirth of the Phoenix Opera House again, the great Renaissance and Byzantine architecture, one of the world's most beautiful squares - Piazza San Marco, it was suffocating corridors of the United States, the master Antonioni's best films Some paragraphs in here shooting; Here is a Renaissance town, producing over history, one of the most important school of painting: Venetian school of painting; German musician Richard Wagner, passed away here in this city of former...... The glory and dreams through the well-preserved architectural abnormalities extended to today, it will give visitors a unique atmosphere, feeling as though by magic, so that those who came to the Venice tourists are obsessed with parting, enjoyable.