

怀璧其罪[huái bì qí zuì]


词典The precious stone lands its innocent possessor in jail.怀璧其罪。


词典An innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth.怀璧其罪。


词典One's only crime was only to carry a jade.怀璧其罪。

怀璧其罪 汉英大词典

怀璧其罪[huái bì qí zuì]


(有财而致祸, 比喻有才能而遭嫉害) The precious stone lands its innocent possessor in jail.; An innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth.; One's only crime was only to carry a jade.

怀璧其罪 双语例句

1. 转向尹仲二叔,现在的问题是怎麼藏好它,如果带回水月洞天,只怕怀璧其罪,水月又会遭劫,要是封黑水潭,大哥他们一定想的到,我们的封印,恐是挡不住他们
    Turns to Zhong Sec. uncle, the problem at present is how to conceal it. Bring it back to the hiddenland may induce a catastrophe there again. Yet, sealing it in the Black Water pond is expectable for them and our magic seal may not bear their attack.