

怒发冲冠[nù fǎ chōng guàn]

词典be [become] so angry that one's hair raised [lifted] up his hat

词典bristle with anger发指;怒发冲冠。


词典felt angry and (his) hair seemed to stand up.

词典make one's blood boil“火冒三丈”,“怒发冲冠”;热血沸腾。

怒发冲冠 汉英大词典

怒发冲冠[nù fǎ chōng guàn]

be [become] so angry that one's hair raised [lifted] up his hat; bristle with anger; (He) felt angry and (his) hair seemed to stand up.; make one's blood boil; One's hairs stand on end with anger.

怒发冲冠 网络解释

1. blow one's top:blow one's own horn 自吹自擂 | blow one's top 怒发冲冠 | blow up 表现失常;吹风

2. 怒发冲冠是什么意思

2. So angry that one's hair lifts up one's hat:南辕北辙 Going south by driving the chariot north | 怒发冲冠 So angry that one's hair lifts up one's hat | 披荆斩棘 Breaking open a way through brambles and thorns

3. bristle:brisk 活泼的 | bristle 怒发冲冠 | broach开启

4. 怒发冲冠

4. to blow one's top:28. 半斤八两It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. | 29. 怒发冲冠to blow one's top | 30. 逆来顺受to make the best of a bad job