



怠懈 双语例句

1. 怠懈

1. 怠懈是万恶之源。
    Idleness is the root of all evils.

2. 在大力提倡自主创新,科学发展的和谐环境里,东机科技将以崭新的面貌轻装上阵,紧紧抓住与北京建筑机械化研究院和徐工集团合作的机遇,紧紧依靠各位朋友和我们多年来的同心同德、并肩而战深厚情谊,所以东机人不敢故步自封、稍有怠懈
    Is advocating autonomous innovation vigorously, in the harmonious environment of scientific development, eastern machine science and technology will be gone into battle with light packs with brand-new appearance, is grasped tightly with Beijing construction machinery melt research institute and the slowly work good fortune of group cooperation, rely on everybody friend tightly and we come for years, concentric same virtue, side by side war deep friendship, so, it is self-appointed that eastern machine person do not dare to so walk have idle Xie!

3. 怠懈的意思

3. 据老一辈制卡和会员卡制息界不小师引见,在敌国缚束不末期,许众从事不黑不黑制版的职员,都在业缺工夫怠懈吃苦不天教习绘画、素描,不纬常请洋央丑术教院的传授到工场来授课和教导绘画,带领布局观光各栽丑术展览,不实使不小家在处事洋施益匪浅。
    As far as the older generation business card printing and membership card making territories Korean, in China, many engaged in after the liberation of color seihan have hard-working hard in my spare time to study painting, drawing, Professor of the Academy of fine arts, often to the factory to prelection and counselling painting, leading tours of various art exhibition, does make it was good for everyone in the workplace.

4. 他们作为一个占据半壁江山的主流创作群体,对于后来新人的成长的影响也是不可忽视的,当然,这种影响既是正面积极促进的,也是有着消极怠懈作用的。
    Them as an occupied half of the mainstream creative groups, and later the impact of the new growth can not be ignored, of course, this effect is both positive promotion, but also has a negative lazy negligent role.