

急转直下[jí zhuǎn zhí xià]

词典a sudden turn [change] for the worse


词典a sudden change of circumstances急转直下。


词典a sudden development of the situation急转直下。


词典go into a precipitous decline急转直下。

急转直下 汉英大词典

急转直下[jí zhuǎn zhí xià]

a sudden turn [change] for the worse; a sudden change of circumstances; a sudden development of the situation; go into a precipitous decline; rapid deterioration of a situation; take a sudden decisive turn; turn abruptly towards a new vista:


    The military on the front went swiftly ahead.


    The stock market turned down sharply.

急转直下 网络解释

1. steep adj:imperceptible adj. 感觉不到的 | steep adj. 急转直下 | ageing n. 老化

2. deteriorate sharply:保持经济平稳较快发展,控制物价过快上涨maintaining steady and rapid economic development and... | 急转直下 deteriorate sharply | 积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策proactive fiscal policy and a moderately...

3. to take a sudden turn for the worse:获取利润 to gain profit | 急转直下 to take a sudden turn for the worse | 假报亏损 to report financial loss falsely

4. 急转直下的近义词

4. Steep:Imperceptible 感觉不到的 | Steep 急转直下 | Ageing 老化