


词典rankle and regret怨悔。

怨悔 双语例句

1. 三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。黑发不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播,该珍惜的好好把握,该舍去的不在牵挂;该执着的永不怨悔。1。此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。
    You will have another short dream if you take a nap here, but you will be one step closer to getting your dreams fulfilled if you take the time to study, instead.

2. 怨悔什么意思

2. 紧跟着圣诞冲动而来的就是新年怨悔,那时候信用卡的帐单也该寄来了,你才会为之前花出去的钱自怨自艾。
    The Christmas buzz is always followed by the New Year's hangover, when the credit card bill comes in and the buyer goes on a rant about how much money they have spent.

3. 若某天,能出现一个可以跟他匹敌的飞行员,并改变他在飞行技术上的局限的话,他将会毫无怨悔地被那飞行员击落。
    Some day, if an equal appeared and challenged the limits of his skills in a fight, he would bear no resentment about being shot down.

4. 那他在自己的晚年,回忆自己一生时,他惟一的遗憾就是自己没有成功,但是除了这些之外,他会没有任何怨悔
    That in his old age, memories of his life, his only regret is that he did not succeed, but Other than that, he would have no.

5. 关键不在得失,若能得而无愧疚,失而无怨悔,得失的结果,就由它去吧。
    Key gains and losses are not, if for no guilt, without missing Yuanhui, the result of gains and losses, and go on from it.

6. 怨悔在线翻译

6. 茶要浓的,直到芬芳犹在;路要难的,直到苦尽甘来;爱要深的,直到下辈子还能再爱;该执着的,永不怨悔;该舍去的,不再牵挂;该珍惜的,好好把握。
    Our office will be closed on October 1-7 inclusively in celebration of Chinese National Holiday.

7. 怨悔在线翻译

7. 该执着的,永不怨悔
    If loving you is wrong, i do not want to be right.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 不单单是自己我想世间的女子大都逃不过感情这一劫,既然知道在劫难逃,便至少面对得从容漂亮些,不要留下些许怨悔的借口。
    Not just the world I would like to own the majority of women can not escape the feelings of the robbery, with the understanding that doomed, they at least have to face some pretty calm, do not leavesome excuse.

9. 怨悔什么意思

9. 茶要浓的,直到芬芳犹在;路要难的,直到苦尽甘来;爱要深的,直到下辈子还能再爱;该执着的,永不怨悔;该舍去的,不再牵挂;该珍惜的,好好把握。我和朋友的闲置yy、kk、qq 尴里伐尴尬-170 M M 家族
    I even heard that the kOrean government was trying so hard fOr the international community to accept their invention that they tried to convince small native tribes to use hangul to write their language, but i never heard of this actually happening.