

怪形怪状 双语例句

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1. 他们已经找到建构花的基因,方法是把这些基因的一部分关闭,让罂粟长出怪形怪状的花。
    They have identified flower-building genes by shutting some of them down and producing monstrous flowers as a result.

2. 他目不转睛盯着前方看,试图辨识前方铁轨上那怪形怪状的东西。
    Staring intently, he was trying to identify the curious shape on the track ahead.

3. 和海绵一样,这些刺胞动物都是世界上最怪形怪状的奇妙动物之一。
    Along with sponges, cnidarians are some of the most oddly shaped, wonderful creatures in our world. by Rachel A. Black