

怪模怪样[guài mú guài yàng]




词典queer in appearance and manners怪模怪样。


怪模怪样 汉英大词典

怪模怪样[guài mú guài yàng]

queer-looking; grotesque; queer in appearance and manners; odd-looking; singular in temperament; of a strange make-up

怪模怪样 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 看见它们怪模怪样地跳开,细瘦的影子还手把手来拽,它们跳着萨拉班德舞步,转着旋着群魔频频起舞;可恶的怪影或起或落,恰似风在沙漠里狂刮。
    With mop and mow, we saw them go, Slim shadows hand in hand: About, about, in ghostly rout They trod a saraband: And the damned grotesques made arabesques, Like the wind upon the sand!

2. 怪模怪样什么意思

2. 这种系统不需要特殊的屏幕,也不需要怪模怪样的眼镜。
    This system does not need a special screen.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 我承认新的版本没什么好令人兴奋的,但是我却非常高兴终于摆脱了之前版本那种怪模怪样的图标了
    Granted it`s nothing breathtaking, but I`m happy to be rid of the pixilated icon in versions past

4. 怪模怪样是什么意思

4. 那些怪模怪样、扭扭捏捏的装腔作势,说起话来怪声怪气的荒唐鬼的对头。
    The pox of such antic, lisping, affecting fantasticoes; these new tuners of accents!

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 伊利莎蹲在地上,看着这辆怪模怪样、松松垮垮的马车驶过去。
    Elisa, squatting on the ground, watched to see the crazy, loose-jointed wagon pass by.

6. 因此,无论多么怪模怪样的东西都不会真正地烟消云散,迟早是要回来的。
    Accordingly, no matter how lardy-dardy thing won't vanish completely truly, should come back sooner or later.

7. 那些怪模怪样的玩具围住了他们!
    These grotesque toys have sphered them!

8. 怪模怪样

8. 这种被叫作 Albertonykus borealis 怪模怪样的生物有着和鸟类一样的特点,包括像细细的腿,像钳子一样的嘴和坚硬的爪子。
    Called the Albertonykus borealis, the odd-looking creature had birdlike features including slender legs, jaws like pincers and stubby arms with big claws.

9. 怪模怪样是什么意思

9. 我们看到他怪模怪样的衣服都笑了起来。
    We laughed at the sight of his strange clothes.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 他穿着那套衣服看上去怪模怪样的。
    He looked absurd in that get up.

11. 怪模怪样的近义词

11. 那就是这些怪模怪样的机器摊了一桌子的原因?
      Is that why all these bizarre gadgets are laid out on the table?

12. 怪模怪样的意思

12. 他的软垫怪模怪样地贴着桌子滑下去了。
      So that his cushion did an odd sort of belly flop off the desk.

13. 在实际生活中画一些怪模怪样的东西,尽管有不少人喜欢和夸奖,但不应该当作艺术精品。
      In real life, though loved by many people who like joining in the fun, painting of lardy-dardy things, in a sense, is not a mater piece.

14. 她本来还可以再多待一会儿,不过她想起刚才她父亲那种怪模怪样的情况,就不由得焦灼起来。
      She might have stayed even later, but the incident of her father's odd appearance and manner returned upon the girl's mind to make her anxious.

15. 他矮矮胖胖,和蔼可亲,留了一嘴怪模怪样的牙刷式的小胡子。
      He was short and tubby and amiable with an odd little toothbrush moustache.

16. 怪模怪样什么意思

16. 她梦想着成为一个美丽的舞者,一个芭蕾舞演员,但是她知道像她这样怪模怪样的外形只会招来别人的嘲笑罢了。
      She dreamed of being a beautiful dancer, a ballerina, but with such a figure she knew she would only get laughed at.

17. 那怪模怪样的老夫人尖声大笑着走开了,惹得全市场的人都听到了。
      Laughing so shrilly that all the market-place could hear her, the weird old gentlewoman took her departure.

18. 魔咒击中了中间那个食死徒的胸口,顿时,那人怪模怪样地张开四肢悬在空中,就像撞上了一道看不见的屏障,他的一个伙伴差点撞在他身上
      The jinx hit the middle Death Eater in the chest: For a moment the man was absurdly spread-eagled in midair as though he had hit an invisible barrier: One of his fellows almost collided with him

19. 汤姆穿了件怪模怪样的衣服走了进来,姑娘们见了个个笑得前仰后合。
      The girls all crumpled up when Tom walked in wearing his funny clothes.

20. 他看到怪模怪样的孩子挤在门前的石阶上,还听到阴暗院落里传来尖叫声和骂詈。‘该死!’是咒骂语。
      He had seen grotesque children huddled upon door-steps, and heard shrieks and oaths from gloomy courts.