

怪话[guài huà]



词典cynical remark怪话。

怪话 汉英大词典

怪话[guài huà]

cynical remark; grumble; complaint:


    make cynical remarks

怪话 网络解释

1. 怪话

1. A curious story:01 Of foreign lands and people 陌生的国家与人民 | 02 A curious story 怪话 | 03 Catch me!捉迷藏

怪话 双语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 恩,ruby就是让人hack的二楼不要说怪话
    Favour, ruby lets person Hack namely 2 buildings do not say cynical remark.

2. 别怪话说的太多了。
    Don't say too many weird words.

3. 嗯,他们不能只是因你说过一些怪话就送你入医院吧。
    Well, they can`t put you away just for saying weird things.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 我们已经听厌了他的牢骚怪话
    We are fed up with his grumbing.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 他做一副对联都不会,嘴里说现代学校流行的怪话
    He spoke the awful school jargon of these modern days.

6. 怪话什么意思

6. 他做一副对联都不会,嘴里说现代学校流行的怪话
    He spoke the awful school jargonof these modern days.

7. 怪话在线翻译

7. 这张一千法郎的钞票经过大家议论夸大以后,在圣马塞尔葡萄园街一带的三姑六婆中就引起一大堆骇人听闻的怪话
    That thousand-franc note, commented on and multiplied, produced a vast amount of terrified discussion among the gossips of the Rue des Vignes Saint-Marcel.

8. 这张一千法郎的钞票经过 ssbbww 大家议论夸大以后 ssbbww ,在圣马塞尔葡萄园街一带的三姑六婆中就引起一大堆骇人听闻的怪话
    That thousand-franc note, commented on multiplied, produced a vast amount of terrified discussion among the gossips of the Rue des Vignes Saint-Marcel.

9. 讲怪话的会有,但可以刺激大家努力向上。
    There will be some complaints, but this can encourage people to advance.

10. 你说什么怪话呢!来吧,起来准备准备。
    What a strange thing to say! Come on, get ready.

11. 怪话在线翻译

11. 那种遐想有时会使他说出一些怪话
      This revery sometimes caused him to utter odd sayings.

12. 他那些怪话使我们心中生疑,不知他精神是否正常。
      His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity.

13. 他们就地坐在稻草堆上,暗暗纳闷,不知凯斯宾有什么好歹,还想法阻止尤斯塔斯说怪话,仿佛除了他自己,别人个个都不好似的。
      And there they sat in the straw and wondered what was happening to Caspian and tried to stop Eustace talking as if everyone except himself was to blame.