

Fear of shame;
怯怯羞羞 双语例句

1. 半老村妇,虎背熊腰,倚门泼骂:或指天画地,或唾沫四溅,大有不共戴天之势;稍有规劝,便合好如初,羞羞怯怯,宛若少女---常思忖,村野之事,。。。
    Semi-old villager, sturdy frame, Yi Men throwing curse: or refer to days of painting in, or saliva scattered, much irreconcilable forces; a little persuasion, they Hehao as ever, shame shy of confidence, just like in ordinary girl --- contemplate, Murano things, ...

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 一个没有结婚的年轻副牧师在这种事情上羞羞怯怯,这也许是正常的。
    It might be very well for an unmarried young curate to be shamefaced in such matters.

3. “果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态”
    " He fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine features, a fair complexion, red lips, a graceful figure and pleasing manners, but as bashful as a girl. "

4. 怯怯羞羞的近义词

4. “果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态”
    " He fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine features, a fair complexion, red lips, a graceful figure and pleasing manners, but as bashful as a girl. "