

恩断义绝[ēn duàn yì jué]



恩断义绝 双语例句

1. 你不是我的朋友了,我们恩断义绝
    To Billy And you are no longer my friend!

2. 恩断义绝

2. 作为一个男人,只有在跟他的情人恩断义绝的时候才会不告而别。
    Only a man who is quite out of love with his mistress will leave her without writing.

3. 他们之间矛盾很深,最后几乎恩断义绝
    They hate each other so much that all love and kind feelings are lost between them.

4. 尽管这样,重归于好总比恩断义绝更让人欢喜。
    The key will be to ensure that the making-up is more heartfelt than the breaking-up.

5. 如果我的熟人感染了艾滋病,我应该像他得了流感那样,同样地帮他求医问药,而不是退避三舍,恩断义绝;更不是非要把他置于死地不可。
    If my acquaintance infected with AIDS, I should like he had influenza, the same Qiuyiwenyao to help him, not Tuibisanshe, Enduanyijue; more than non-death can not be put to him.

6. 恩断义绝

6. 我们恩断义绝
    We are finished!