1. nloK:lepo尔贝奥 | nloK恩科 | htailog特阿利格
1. 但是,一个即将发生的故事会涉及彼得恩科尔曼,这并非我所愿。周三他以对雷丁之战为卡迪夫拉开了第一次联赛的序幕。
But one story waiting to happen - and I for one hope it doesn't - involves Peter Enckelman, who made his first league start of season for Cardiff against Reading on Wednesday.
2. 恩科是什么意思
2. 恩科西和他的养母在约翰内斯堡为携带艾滋病的母亲和她们的孩子建立了一个庇护所——恩科西避难所。2005年11月,基尔代表恩科西在他死后从米哈伊尔犯甓颓欠蚴种薪庸识推浇保骺莆鞅苣阉佣鸹峄竦昧?
Together with his foster mother, Nkosi founded a refuge for HIV positive mothers and their children, Nkosi`s Haven, in Johannesburg.[6] In November 2005, Gail represented Nkosi when he posthumously received the International Children`s Peace Prize from the hands of Mikhail Gorbachev.
3. 恩科西出生时就是艾滋病病毒携带者,被约翰内斯堡的公关从业员基尔吩己惭泛戏ㄊ昭纳福患膊≌勰サ闷1共豢埃盐薹ㄔ僬展怂?
Nkosi was HIV-positive from birth, and was legally adopted by Gail Johnson, a Johannesburg Public Relations practitioner, when his own mother, debilitated by the disease, was no longer able to care for him.
4. 沿湖有卡龙加、恩卡塔贝、恩科塔科塔、奇波卡等湖港,湖东面有利文斯敦山,西面有维皮亚山地,青翠挺拔的山峰相对耸立在狭长的湖面两岸,形成两道壁障,景色极为壮观。
The lake has a card with grace, the dragon's grace, Dakota Dakota, wave CARDS, east lake lake mountain, west of the road favorable Vince are tall mountains, green skin and the relative stands in the narrow mountain lake, forming two condition declivitous, scenery is spectacular.
5. 大部分地区是由泥岩地层的莫恩科皮,这是约240万年。
Much of the area is made up of mudstone on the Moenkopi Formation, which is about 240 million years old.
6. 恩科的近义词
6. 王茹敏 ,鲁公儒,王恩科,杨亚东最近由CDF合作组和DΦ合作组测量的Bs质量差△Ms粗略地与标准模型预测值一致,因此这些测量将对限制超出标准模型的新物理信号提供一个机会。
The recent measurements of the Bs mass difference △Ms by the CDF and DΦ collaborations are roughly consistent with the Standard Model predictions, therefore, these measurements will afford an opportunity to constrain new physics scenarios beyond the Standard Model.
7. 乌斯马诺夫确认他将继续持有阿森纳27%的股份,尽管克罗恩科已经成为俱乐部最大股东。
Alisher Usmanov has confirmed that he plans to hold on to his27% stake in Arsenal, despite Stan Kroenke's move to take majority control of the club.
8. 这是来俄罗斯自鄂木斯克市的阿纳托利·克纳恩科最新的杰出创作。这位57岁的艺术家是西伯利亚首位从事被他称为“微小型艺术”的人。
The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia. The57-year-old was the first in Siberia to make what he calls " microminiature " art.
9. Jim Wooten以恩科西的一生为主题写了《我们是一样的》一书。
Nkosi`s life is the subject of the book We Are All the Same by Jim Wooten.
10. 和阿森纳球迷支持组织一样,乌曼寺诺夫也希望从克罗恩科的控制下摆脱出来,所以他将不会从俱乐部退股。
Like AST, Usmanov is seeking undertakings from Kroenke that he will not draw cash out of the club.
11. 恩科什么意思
11. 恩科西是2000年在德班举行的第十三届世界爱滋病大会上的一个焦点人物。
Nkosi was the star of the13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in2000.