

恰到好处[qià dào hǎo chù]

词典be just perfect恰到好处。

词典be to the point恰到好处;正中要害。


词典to a turn恰到好处;正好,恰好。

词典just right恰好,正好;不失毫厘;不差毫发;初写黄庭。

恰到好处 汉英大词典

恰到好处[qià dào hǎo chù]


be just perfect; be to the point; to a turn; just right; just right for the purpose; (All was arranged) to a nicety.

恰到好处 网络解释

1. 恰到好处在线翻译

1. to the point:恰好相反 just on the contrary/just the opposite | 恰到好处 to the point | 巧舌如簧 to have a smooth tongue

2. 恰到好处的近义词

2. fit like a glove:56.接受某人的观点take someone's point | 57.恰到好处 fit like a glove | 58.完美无缺 nothing left to desire

3. fit to a T:I had a thin time these days. 这些天我过得很不愉快. | fit to a T 恰到好处 | sell sb. short 小看某人

4. on the nose:58.the tea is strong 茶很浓 | 59. on the nose恰到好处 | 61.make contact with发生接触