

Evil tongue;
恶舌 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 凡躲避了恶舌,没有经过它的怒气,没有负过它的重轭,没有受过它锁链捆绑的人,是有福的!
    Happy he who is sheltered from it, and has not endured its wrath; Who has not borne its yoke nor been fettered with its chain

2. 凡躲避了恶舌,没有经过它的怒气,没有负过它的重轭,没有受过它的锁链捆绑的人,是有福的!
    Blessed is he that is defended from a wicked tongue, that hath not passed into the wrath thereof, and that hath not drawn the yoke thereof, and hath not been bound in its bands.

3. 恶舌什么意思

3. 恶舌戳人之痛更甚于针刺。
    Thorns prick sore, but evil tongues prick more.

4. 恶舌什么意思

4. 恶舌戳人之痛更甚于针刺。
    Thorns prick sore, but evil tongues prick lot.

5. 遇到长兽角者,那就把桂冠送给他们。遇到长利爪者,那就把花瓣赠送给他们;遇到长恶舌者,那就把甜美的语言赠送给他们。
    I_shall_cry_out_when_the_hand_of_the_seasons_is_upon_my_throat, _and_I_shall_sing_my_words_when_my_lips_are_burned_with_flames.

6. 设若口齿灵利是出于天才,他天生来的不愿多说话,所以也不愿学着城里人的贫嘴恶舌
    If volubility is a natural gift, then he was clearly not endowed with it, so he did not try to imitate the townsfolk's spiteful talk.

7. 恶舌的反义词

7. 哼,这也太贪嘴恶舌了。
    Yes, it was too loud.