

恶言恶语[è yán è yǔ]



恶言恶语 网络解释

1. 恶言恶语什么意思

1. mala lengua:ligero de lengua--- 信口开河,说长道短 | mala lengua--- 恶言恶语 | media lengua--- 口齿不清

恶言恶语 双语例句

1. 像中文一样,英文的词汇也很精妙,一个很蛮横恶意的句子可以表达的非常职业化而不含恶言恶语,让这个办案过程充满变数,正常情况下,证人不希望暴露自己的真实身份。
    Just like in Chinese, the vocabulary in English is also rich and vast. Very strong, intimidating message can be delivered professionally without any foul lanugage, which can jeapordize the case. Normally witness would want to avoid the discovery of his or her true identity.

2. 恶言恶语在线翻译

2. 我们必须把美国看做一个大家庭,必须停止相互间的恶言恶语,停止相互伤害。
    We have to start thinking of America as a family.

3. 没有让那些人失望,也反击了另外一些人的恶言恶语
    Those who did not let disappointment, but also against the other person's abusive remarks.

4. 只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语
    Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.

5. 恶言恶语是什么意思

5. 无论你的生活多么糟糕,你都要勇敢的生活、面对,不要躲避,更不要用恶言恶语咒骂它,它并不像你想象的那样坏。
    It is not so bad as you think.

6. 恶言恶语什么意思

6. 面对恶言恶语,也是修行的法门之一。
    Dealing with evil speech and deviant talk is one way of cultivation.

7. 如果你恶言恶语,就不会胡来
    If you give a crap, you stop making outrageous calls.

8. 恶言恶语的解释

8. 为此,我若来到,必要指摘他所行的事,就是他用恶言恶语诽谤我们的事;但这为他还不够:他自己不款待弟兄们,连那愿意款待的,他也加以阻止,甚而将他们逐出教会。
    For this cause, if I come, I will advertise his works which he doth, with malicious words prating against us. And as if these things were not enough for him, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and them that do receive them he forbiddeth, and casteth out of the church.

9. 恶言恶语的反义词

9. 只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语
    Stay cool under fire respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.

10. 在盛怒下保持冷静只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语
    STAY COOL UNDER FIRE Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the cur ses.

11. 想想看,鉴于约翰•麦凯恩(JohnMcCain)在竞选活动中就布什执政记录所说的那些恶言恶语,在总统就职日前,他还是否会受到欢迎,这谅必令人怀疑。
      Come to think of it, given the nasty things John McCain has been saying on the campaign trail about Mr Bush's record, it must be doubtful that he would be any more welcome ahead of inauguration day.

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. 你们为什么总是恶言恶语,骂个没完没了?
      Why are you always biting and bickering at one another?

13. 只要不是恶言恶语,八卦也不都是坏事,但还是要小心点。八卦会伤害别人的感情,带来麻烦和办公室谣言,甚至会给你带来不必要的敌人。
      Its not necessarily all bad providing it isnt malicious, but be careful. Gossip can cause hurt feelings and stir up trouble and office drama create enemies that you dont need or want.

14. 我对那次董事会议上的恶言恶语深感意外。
      I was quite surprised at the nastiness there was at that board meeting.

15. 我们也记得别人对我们说的恶言恶语
      And we remember unkind words said to us!

16. 如今她想了所有她要用来咒骂他的恶言恶语,可是已经晚了。
      Now she remembered all the bad names she had wanted to call him but it was too late.

17. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

17. 他们用各种恶言恶语互骂。
      They call each other all sorts of names.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

18. 你对待敌意的方式会激励你取得更大的成就,到时,嫉恨者的恶言恶语就会转变成熊熊烈火帮助你创造出更大的辉煌。
      When your reaction to their hostility has inspired you to achieve further success, you've transformed the haters'negativity into fuel for your creative fires.

19. 恶言恶语的意思

19. 亚历山大·汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)和托马斯·杰斐逊都曾因有暧昧关系而受到报纸文章的恶言恶语,但他们谁都没有想用压制报纸声音来解决问题。
      Both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson found their amorous affairs the subject of vicious press articles, yet neither one thought that the answer lay in muzzling the press.