


词典feel depressed闷闷不乐;郁郁寡欢;悒郁;悒悒不乐。

悒郁 双语例句

1. 她也许是想等到什么时机再把东西拿走吧,也许是想先堆起来再一起扔掉吧,可是实际上东西都是她扔在哪儿就在哪儿,除非格里高尔有时嫌碍路,把它推开一些,这样做最初是出于必须,因为他无处可爬了,可是后来却从中得到越来越多的乐趣,虽则在这样的长途跋涉之后,由于悒郁和极度疲劳,他总要一动不动地一连躺上好几个小时。
    Instead of being afraid, the charwoman just lifted up one of the chairs from near the door and stood there with her mouth open, clearly intending not to close her mouth until the chair in her hand had been slammed down into Gregor's back.

2. 悒郁的近义词

2. 我不愿有什么引起你的悒郁
    I would in no wise hurt you, oh, my dear.

3. 悒郁的意思

3. 耐心实际上是对忠诚、希望、睿智和爱的表达,是一种很积极的情绪而非漠不关心、悒郁忍受或听之任之。
    Patience is the practical expression of faith, hope, wisdom and love. It is a very active emotion. It is not indifference, sullen endurance or resignation.

4. 他的痛苦不久便转为忧伤,忧伤又转成为悒郁
    Soon his pass sank down to grief, and grief gave way to melancholy.

5. 悒郁的近义词

5. 他的痛苦不久便转为忧伤,忧伤又转成为悒郁
    Soon his passion sank down to grief, and grief gave way to melancholy.

6. 你如果有时情绪烦躁,心情悒郁,我劝你到小巷里负手行吟一阵,你一定会豁然开朗,怡然自得,物我两忘。
    That is the best way to take a rest. It will dissipate your fatigue and relieve your nervous tension.

7. 随着一些低矮的民房,不断出现在视野里,悒郁的心灵,就如开启的窗户,看看身边的雪儿,满脸的兴奋,这个被阳光围裹的女孩,好像永远生活在春天里。
    Along with some low houses appearing continuously in my field of view, the gloomy heart became relaxed like an opened casement. Xueer, my girl beside me was surrounded by sunshine with excitement on her face seeming to live in spring all the time.

8. 轻轻拭去嘴角残存的血迹,她红色、放大的瞳孔像燃尽的火焰渐渐熄灭,平静成一泓温柔、悒郁的幽蓝。
    Wiping away the bloodstains remained on the lips, the blaze in her flammulated, ampliative pupila went out tardily, and eventually, settled down into a pool of mild but somber azure.

9. 悒郁的意思

9. 在《火焰杯》的结尾,哈利回家时的心情比离开霍格沃茨时还要悒郁
    At the end of goblet of fire we sent Harry home more depressed than he had ever been leaving howarts.