

悔不当初[huǐ bù dāng chū]


词典regret having done sth.悔不当初。

词典regret a previous mistake悔不当初。

悔不当初 汉英大词典

悔不当初[huǐ bù dāng chū]

regret having done sth.; regret a previous mistake:


    If I'd known then what was going to happen, I wouldn't have done as I did.

悔不当初 网络解释

1. Remix and Repent:Antichrist Superstar離經叛道 (1996) | Remix and Repent 悔不當初 (1997) | Mechanical Animals機械化動物 (1998)

2. You've Got Me Thinking:│ccc07.What about Me 情何以堪 | │ccc08.You've Got Me Thinking 悔不当初 | │ccc09.Just When I Needed You Most 别在我最需要你的时候离开我

3. 悔不当初的近义词

3. axik:怀旧axib | 悔不当初axik | 来不及axjl