

悱恻缠绵 双语例句

1. 悱恻缠绵的反义词

1. 是义无反顾地执著,还是把谁的心摆在矜持的对岸,两两相看,悱恻缠绵;又或是把你的留恋深藏在心里,让时间放一把大火,把记忆圈到某个角落里烧掉。
    What you've done is to be perseverant without any hesitation, or lay whose soul on the opposite side of restriction, face to face from far way, wallow in each other's grief, or else have your soft spot in the deepest, and rail the love into somewhere to be fired all by a great fire.

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2. 是义无反顾地执著,还是把谁的心摆在矜持的对岸,两两相看,悱恻缠绵;又或是把你的留恋深藏在心里,让时间放一把大火,把记忆圈到某个角落里烧掉。
    What you`ve done is to be perseverant without any hesitation, or lay whose soul on the opsite side of restriction, face to face from far way, wallow in each other`s grief, or else have your soft spot in the deepest, and rail the love into somewhere to be fired all by a great fire.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 南朝骚体文学由晋代的世俗化走向了贵族化,表现空间不断萎缩,吟咏风月,浅酌低唱,多悱恻缠绵之辞,而少叱咤风云之概;然南朝贵族文人乃有意识地探求形式的新变,这既造成了骚体与五、七言诗的融合,同时也在声色的追求中精心锤炼语言、选择意象、营构优美的意境,从而使骚体文学在艺术上呈现出新的风貌。
    Because of the changes of politics, thoughts and social value of Jin Dynasty, the Sao-style literature had the characteristics personality and exspression, but it had little real spirits of Pre-Qing, it gave ways to the elegant of style and beauty of language, the Sao-style in South Dynasty presented the trend from civil to noble, but the scholar still had the consciousness to creat the new form and so made the Sao-style a new change, but apparently it can not be compared with the former.