1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
1. 我驻足四顾,希望和更多的悼唁者交流。
I stick around hoping to meet more talkative mourners.
2. 我深受震惊,敲动着键盘很快就完成一首悼唁的诗
I deeply receive shock, typing quickly at the keyboard to complete
3. danci.911cha.com
3. 自从上个星期卢武铉跳崖自杀后,截止到周五早上,已经有近1百万哀悼者前往前总统的家乡进行悼唁活动。
Since Roh's death by jumping off a rock last week, nearly 1 million mourners have made the pilgrimage to the ex-president's hometown Bongha as of Friday morning.
4. 藉由他们的悼唁。
With their condolences.
5. 悼唁
5. 很多悼唁者戴着黄帽子-卢的选举颜色是黄色-其他的人则跟随灵车,带着传统的追悼用的布条,念着他的名字。
Many of the mourners wore yellow hats or threw yellow paper airplanes - Mr. Roh's campaign color was yellow - while others followed the hearse, carrying traditional funeral streamers and chanting his name.
6. 悼唁的反义词
6. 他是我们的总统,来自叶利钦家乡乌拉尔地区的一位悼唁者说:他的错或对将由历史来决定。
He was our president, said a mourner from Mr Yeltsin's native Urals.
7. 白宫方面表示,奥巴马对于日本遇难者表达了沉痛的悼唁。华盛顿会“尽其可能支援日本”。
The White House said Mr Obama conveyed " deep condolences " at the loss of life and said Washington was " determined to do everything possible to support Japan ".
8. danci.911cha.com
8. 白宫方面表示,奥巴马对于日本遇难者表达了沉痛的悼唁。华盛顿会“尽其可能支援日本”。
The White House said Mr Obama conveyed " deep condolences " at the loss of life and said Washington was " determined to do everything possible to support Japan ".