


词典alarmed and frightened惊怕。

惊怕 网络解释

1. 惊怕是什么意思

1. photophobia, hydrophobia:63. phil(o)- love 爱 philanthropy, philanthropist | 64. phobia- fear 惊怕 photophobia, hydrophobia | 65. phon- sound 声音 microphone, telephone, symphony

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. mengkerit:mengkelan , (咽喉)卡梗,骨梗,阻塞 | mengkerit , 卷缩,收缩,害怕,惊怕 | mengkhabarkan , 通知

惊怕 双语例句

1. 徒 10:4 和合本哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说:主阿,甚麼事呢?
    And he looked intently at him and became terrified and said, What is it, Lord?

2. 惊怕

2. 恢复本 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说,主阿,甚麼事?
    And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord?

3. 惊怕的近义词

3. 如果挑出我们中最好的壮勇,让他们全都汇聚在海船边,准备一次伏击――此乃验证勇气的最好的办法,懦夫和勇士都会由此展现本色。贪生之人脸色青一阵,紫一阵,无力控制心绪,安然稳坐,而是不停地移动重心,一会儿压在这条,一会儿又移到那条腿上,最后在双腿上重压,牙齿上下磕碰,心脏怦怦乱跳,惧怕死亡的降临。与之相比,勇士面不改色,进入伏击点后,亦不会过分惊怕,而是潜心祈祷,但愿即刻投入战斗,杀个你死我活。那时候,谁能小看你的勇力,你那双有力的大手?
    If the best men at the ships were being chosen to go on an ambush- and there is nothing like this for showing what a man is made of; it comes out then who is cowardly and who brave; the coward will change colour at every touch and turn; he is full of fears, and keeps shifting his weight first on one knee and then on the other; his heart beats fast as he thinks of death, and one can hear the chattering of his teeth; whereas the brave man will not change colour nor be on finding himself in ambush, but is all the time longing to go into action- if the best men were being chosen for such a service, no one could make light of your courage nor feats of arms.

4. 10:4 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说,主阿,什么事呢?
    4 And when he looked on him, he was afraid, and said, What is it, Lord?

5. 惊怕的解释

5. 10:4 哥尼流定睛看他,惊怕说,主阿,什么事呢?
    And he, looking on him in fear, said, What is it, Lord?

6. 妇女们惊怕、将脸伏地.那两个人就对他们说、为甚麽在死人中找活人呢。
    And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

7. 尤莉、艾曼纽和那个仆人听到马西米兰的喊声,便惊怕失措地奔上来。
    Julie, Emmanuel, and some of the servants, ran up in alarm on hearing the cries of Maximilian.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 他惊怕得脸色苍白不知所措。
    He is pale frightened and completely at a loss for what to do.

9. 中国股市昨日遭受5周以来最大单日跌幅,原因是a股与h股之间可能允许套利的前景,令投资者惊怕
    Chinese stocks suffered their worst fall for five weeks yesterday as investors took fright at the prospect of arbitrage between mainland-listed A shares and Hong Kong-listed H shares.

10. 惊怕

10. 有人就将这些话去告诉袁盎,袁盎听了很惊怕,心里想:如果让他去启奏皇帝,我一定会没命。
    Since King Wu has now revolted, Yuan Ang should be sentenced to death follow by sending an army against Wu.