1. 对于促使他作出如此出人意料之举的原因,众说纷纭。有人说:他是惊恸于一位学友的突然逝去,也有人说路德告诉他们,他是在从他父亲那会艾尔福特的途中,遭遇一场可怖的雷雨,令他魂胆俱丧,转而为僧。
Some say he was led to do so by the sudden death of a student friend, others that it was in fulfilment of a vow which he had made during a frightful thunderstorm that overtook him on a journey from his father`s house to Erfurt, while he himself tells us that he became a monk because he had lost confidence in himself.1 Of his life as a student very little is known for certain.