

惊魂甫定[jīng hún fǔ dìng]

词典collect a little more of one's scattered wits惊魂甫定。

词典have hardly recovered from a recent shock惊魂甫定;惊魂未定。

惊魂甫定 汉英大词典

惊魂甫定[jīng hún fǔ dìng]


collect a little more of one's scattered wits; have hardly recovered from a recent shock

惊魂甫定 双语例句

1. 惊魂甫定的解释

1. 当你惊魂甫定,对气等逐渐熟悉后,我的音符就转趋缓和地配合气,在你体内平稳地游走。
    Until you calm down and familiar with the Qi, my notes turn to lenitive and roam in the steps of Qi in your body.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 人生就是这么变幻无常。我惊魂甫定之后,产生了关于人生的离奇古怪的想法。我认识到,我当前的境遇,正是大智大仁的上帝为我安排的。我既然无法预知天命,就该服从上帝的绝对权威。
    Now I began to take Courage, and to peep abroad again; for I had not stirr'd out of my Castle for three Days and Nights; so that I began to starve for Provision; for I had little or nothing within Doors, but some Barley Cakes and water.

3. 三人惊魂甫定,相互询问下,知道彼此都还平安。
    As soon as they recovered from the shock, they checked on each other and knew everyone was o. k.

4. 人生就是这么变幻无常。我惊魂甫定之后,产生了关于人生的离奇古怪的想法。我认识到,我当前的境遇,正是大智大仁的上帝为我安排的。我既然无法预知天命,就该服从上帝的绝对权威。因为,我既然是上帝创造的,他就拥有绝对的权力按照他的旨意支配我和处置我;而我自己又曾冒犯过他,他当然有权力给我任何惩罚,这是合情合理的。我自己也理所当然地应接受他的惩罚,因为我对上帝犯了罪。
    Such is the uneven State of human Life: And it afforded me a great many curious Speculations afterwards, when I had a little recover'd my first Surprize; I consider'd that this was the Station of Life the infinitely wise and good Providence of God had determin'd for me, that as I could not foresee what the Ends of Divine Wisdom might be in all this, so I was not to dispute his Sovereignty, who, as I was his Creature, had an undoubted Right by Creation to govern and dispose of me absolutely as he thought fit; and who, as I was a Creature who had offended him, had likewise a judicial Right to condemn me to what Punishment he thought fit; and that it was my Part to submit to bear his Indignation, because I had sinn'd against him.

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5. 惊魂甫定,我又靠近花盆去看这条虫子是怎么样的。
    Suddenly I was frightened into jumping meters away from the windows at seeing a fat green finger-like worm, almost threw the basin away.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 九月三日我们从左贡沿怒江向然乌出发,迂回的车路在悬崖峭壁间开凿出来,据领队派给我们的单张形容,惊险万分,但我一点感觉也没有——直至忽然间,一辆大货车向我们直冲过来,和师傅用他的超人驾驶技术,在一瞬间完成了转右转左转右再转左的S形飘移,我惊魂甫定,才识死。
    The long and winding roads cut from the steep cliffs are dangerous and frightful according to the leaflet our leader gave us but I didnt feel a thing until suddenly a giant truck ran towards us and Mr He our driver exhibited his super driving technique by turning right and left and right and left again in a split second and when I finally recovered from total panic I know what fear means.