1. 惕心的近义词
1. 我认为我不配或甚至会带着警惕心。
I suppose I felt undeserving or perhaps even cautious.
2. 有时它就像依附在峭壁上的险径,警惕心不高的外国人就注定在摸索中误入歧途,然后尖叫到消失不见。
At times it could be likened to a steep mountain pass with a sheer cliff face on one side, off which the unwary westerner is doomed to blindly stumble, and scream all the way into oblivion.
3. 惕心的意思
3. 要成为好邻居,灵位一个重要的方面就是有警惕心。
Another important aspect of being a good neighbor is to be vigilant.
4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
4. 经过单独相处,她解除了孩子们对她的警惕心,并且教他们音乐的基本知识(Do-Re-Mi)。
Alone with them, she breaks through their wariness and teaches them the basics of music (Do-Re-Mi).