

惠中 双语例句

1. 而农行西城支行在开展房地产贷款业务伊始就站在较高的起点,据该行房地产信贷部负责人董惠中介绍,为规避风险,他们借鉴国内外同行经验,自行创造出一套开发商认可、老百姓欢迎的贷款模式。
    Branch in the western city of ABC for the real estate lending operations at the stand higher starting point, according to the Department of the real estate credit Donghui introduce people to avoid risks, and they learn from experience and peers, to create a set of self-recognition developers, the people welcomed the loan model.

2. 程暮林,张锡金,孙惠中
    CHENGMu2lin, ZHANG Xi2jin, SUN Hui2zhong