惠赐[huì cì]
be kind enough to give (me sth.); bestow graciously
1. 我感谢万能的真主阿拉的惠赐-一双灵巧的手。
I am grateful to the almighty Allah who has given me a pair of clever hands.
2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
2. 您有任何需要,欢迎致电或惠赐邮件到我公司询问详情。
You have any needs, please call or e-mail benefits thanks to my company asked about the details.
3. 他到底要不要惠赐我们他的报告
Will he or will he not grace us with his report?
4. 惠赐的意思
4. 若您对本人的应聘感兴趣,请得便时惠赐我面试的机会。
If you are interested in my application, please give me
5. 911查询·英语单词
5. 请您惠赐名片可以吗?
May I have your business card. Please?
6. 惠赐
6. 在这种绘画风格的作品中也包含了强烈的感情和主观因素,艺术家用他们对自然和人为的微妙现实所具有的夸大的剖毫析芒的眼力、精妙的技巧展示了人们从未领略的美妙惠赐。
In figurative photos, we can also findstrong sensible and objective factors of the artist who uses his sophisticated drawingtechniques and thoughtful insights to show the beauty of nature.
7. 如有意见和建议,请惠赐E-mail至
So long, 'MM, ''PK, 'and'konglong
8. 这就意味着,在西方现代主义文学的滋养与培育中成长起来的20世纪后期中国作家,几乎都间接或直接地受到了卡夫卡的文学遗产的惠赐。
Undoubtedly, Chinese novelists in the later 20th Century who were enlightened and nurtured by Western Modernism Literature in a direct or indirect way may be benefited from the literature heredity Kafka has left.
9. 我方随时愿意效劳,若承蒙贵方惠赐回函,当不胜感激。
We are always ready to sere you and should be grateful for your reply.
10. 惠赐的翻译
10. 赐予,俯见屈就以授予或给予;惠赐
To condescend to grant or bestowa privilege, for example; deign.