

慌慌张张[huāng huāng zhāng zhāng]

词典covered with confusion慌慌张张;非常慌张。

词典all in a fluster [flurry]

词典all in bewilderment慌慌张张。


词典in an abrupt manner慌慌张张。



慌慌张张 汉英大词典

慌慌张张[huāng huāng zhāng zhāng]


covered with confusion; all in a fluster [flurry]; all in bewilderment; in an abrupt manner; in a flurried manner; a hurry-skurry

慌慌张张 网络解释

1. Helter-skelter:Criss-cross:纵横交错 | Helter-skelter:慌慌张张 | Shilly-shally:犹犹豫豫

2. chaotic and twirly:ball sth up 揉成一团 | chaotic and twirly 慌慌张张 | put sth in perspective (前瞻性的看待 某事)

3. 慌慌张张

3. boggle:blush 羞得脸红通通 | boggle 慌慌张张 | bounce 蹦来蹦去

4. pontang-panting:pongkes , 畚箕,竹篓 | pontang-panting , 散乱,四散,狼狈,慌慌张张 | pontang-ponting , 四散

慌慌张张 双语例句

1. 我是说,你现在这样子慌慌张张
    I mean, you're all chaotic and twirly, you know?

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2. 什么事慌慌张张的?。。。
    M: What's the matter with you?

3. 我是说,你现在这样子慌慌张张
    I mean, you're all chaoticand twirly, you know?

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 你怎麼看起来慌慌张张的呢?
    Why do you look like you are in a panic?

5. 你慌慌张张的。
    You're all chaotic and twirly.

6. 慌慌张张是什么意思

6. 我连一句谢谢也不说一声,就慌慌张张的走了。
    I am not even a thank you to say, Huanghuangzhangzhang on the left.

7. 不管发生了什么,我兄弟总是慌慌张张的。
    No matter what happens, my brother always loses his head.

8. 慌慌张张的反义词

8. 就在我们要离开数据库的时候,一个脉冲慌慌张张的冲了进来,告诉巴兹一个消息。
    We were about to leave the database when one of the Impulses came rushing in with a message for Buzz.

9. 慌慌张张的解释

9. 你看起来很慌张。/你慌慌张张的。
    You're like all chaotic and twirly.

10. 慌慌张张

10. 无需急匆匆地确定关系,uo慌慌张张地找个伴侣。
    There is no need to rush into a relationship or be in a panic to find a life a life partner.

11. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

11. 竹斋看着荪甫说,慌慌张张地把他那个随身携带的鼻烟壶递过去。
      He glanced at Wu Sun-fu, fumbled nervously for his snuff -box and gave it to him.

12. 慌慌张张是什么意思

12. 迎面来了慌慌张张的莫干丞,一把拉住了屠维岳,口吃地说道
      He was met by an agitated Mo Kan-cheng, who buttonholed him and stammer ed excitedly

13. 我们都感到奇怪,为什么他慌慌张张要逃走,现在可找到原因了。
      We were all wonder in g what made him run off in such a fright, and now it is expla in ed.

14. 带着这微小的权力,她慌慌张张地出发了,所负的使命是请老加兰德先生或者阿伯尔少爷屈驾到公馆里走一趟。
      Armed with these slender powers, she hurried away, commissioned to bring either old Mr Garland or Mr Abel, bodily, to that apartment

15. 慌慌张张

15. 你的生活开始忙忙碌碌,甚至慌慌张张,忽视了身边的朋友,忘记了春天的到来。
      You set out to live a busy And nervous life, neglect-ing friends around, forgetting the arrival of spring.

16. 慌慌张张

16. 略过了你慌慌张张地跑回来求我我教训你一顿再给你复职的过程
      It voids the whole thing where you panic, run back and grovel, and I punish you and then te you back.

17. 于是,那个递烟的人划了根火柴,平静地伸出手去给她点烟。与此同时,这个新生慌慌张张地拿着烟迎了上去。
      The active struck a match, was calmly extending it toward the rushee when the flustered freshman met the active half-way with cigarette in hand.

18. 祂慌慌张张收起散落在各处的低压压乌云,使劲撤下又厚又重的灰暗天幕,搜出收在柜子中下一秒就要发霉了的湛蓝薄纱,准备帮天空换季。
      He hurriedly collects the low-lying clouds scattered across the sky and removes the leaden grey canopy. Then He fishes out a piece of feathery azure gauze that was just about to go moldy in the next second from the closet, all ready to change the season for the sky.

19. 慌慌张张的近义词

19. 77于是,为了观赏屋舍和教堂上空的焰火,她们全都慌慌张张地沿着岸滩跑去。伊迪推着娃娃博德曼所坐的那辆婴儿车,西茜拉着汤米和杰基的手,免得他们栽跟头。
      And they all ran down the strand to see over the houses and the church, helterskelter, Edy with the pushcar with baby Boardman in it and Cissy holding Tommy and Jacky by the hand so they wouldn't fall running.

20. 慌慌张张什么意思

20. 李麻子慌慌张张替他的好朋友辩护了。
      Said Pockmarked Li anxiously, sticking up for his friend.