慧日[huì rì]
Wisdom-sun; the wisdom of the Buddha
1. 这个中英双语博客缘起于我到慧日禅寺参加诵《法华经》法会的时候,寺里的一位师傅得知我在国外学习,便提出能不能让我给上传下喜法师做一个英文博客,让世界其它地方的人也能接触到师父的法。
During the time when I was participating in the Lotus Sutra Puja at Huiri Temple, I was asked if I can make a blog in English for Master Chuan Xi, so that preaching from the Master can be introduced to people from other places of the world.
2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
2. 这个时候,不是替佛学法,也不是替师父学,替慧日寺学,原来是替你自己在学。
Then we realise we are not learning for the Buddha, the master nor the Hui Ri Temple, but for ourselves.
3. 悲如来慧日将沉。佛就等
Is the heart and mind of a human being.
4. 虽然是课余时间,同学们还是排着整齐的队伍,沐浴在佛教慧日夏令营团队的法喜里。
The students were bathed in the joy of Dharma and in order even in their spare time.
5. 不要让乌云遮蔽我们的佛心慧日。
Don't block our Buddhist heart in dark cloud.