


词典simple and honest朴直;浑厚;憨乎乎;憨实。

憨实 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 在问及张伯宏两年做CEO的感受时,张伯宏露出了憨实的笑容:其实我也不知道怎么做CEO,这两年就是糊涂地过来了。
    When asked about the feelings of CEO Zhang Bohong two years, when Zhang Bohong exposed Hanshi smile: Actually I do not know how to do CEO, these two years is a confused manner transformed.

2. 这家餐厅的老板非常热情好客,几个小伙子服务员也非常憨实,在这里就餐就好像到了老北京的人家去做客一样。
    The Boss of the diner is very hospitable, and the waitersare cute with nice smiles. You really feel at home when eating here.

3. 第一眼见到张伯宏,人们很难将这个有着干净眼神、憨实神态,穿着T恤衫和牛仔裤的大男孩和印象中的CEO联系起来。
    First time I saw Zhang Bohong, it is hard to clean this with eyes, Han Shi posture, wearing T-shirts and jeans, the big boys and the impression that the CEO linked.

4. 谜底 茫然的陆璐不明白,正是她内心的不断比较,给自己的婚姻打了个患得患失的心结:为了摆脱被前男友抛弃的痛苦,她选择了让她感到安全的林洪,可婚后老公近乎笨拙的憨实又让她不满。
    Truth vacant Lu Lu is not clear, is precisely her innermost feelings unceasing comparison, has hit the heart knot which for own marriage is swayed by personal gains and losses: Before order to get rid of the pain which is gotten rid by, the boyfriend, she chose has let her feel safe Lin Hong, but after marriage husband approached clumsily gruff solid lets her be discontented.

5. 虽然,这个时代号称是工农阶级的时代,工农阶级却只能作为扁平化的符号存在,在美术作品中,男人无一例外的粗壮憨实、孔武有力,女人千篇一律的淳朴壮硕。
    Although this era was called the age of the worker-peasant class, they were but a flat symbol existing in the art works, stout men and sturdy women, without exception.