

懔然[lǐn rán]

懔然 双语例句

1. 这片沼泽安静得叫人懔然心惊,微风轻柔﹐吹过林中,松针寂然落地﹐但仍清晰可闻。
    A soft breeze blows through the trees and I can literally hear the hushed landing of falling pine needles.

2. 他,虽身处危急存亡,但英勇顽强;他,虽命悬千钧一发,但忠于信念,毫不气馁。在从容就义时,以轻蔑和懔然的目光注视着敌人——他被击败了,但不是被什么人而是被命运;他被杀害了,但没有被征服。
    He who, though he falleth, is stubborn in his courage, and, being in danger of imminent death, is no whit daunted in his assurance; but, in yielding up the ghost, beholds his enemy with a scornful and fierce look--he is vanquished, not by us, but by fortune; he is slain, but not conquered.