戏文[xì wén ]
词典a classical local opera of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province:戏文。
词典actor's lines:台词;戏词。
戏文[xì wén]
(古典地方戏的一种) a classical local opera of Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province
1. skit:skiscooter 英机动雪橇 | skit 戏文 | skit 讽刺文
2. xiwen:zaju 杂 剧 | xiwen 戏 文 | Yuanqu xuan 元 曲 选
3. hibun:hibong 希望 | hibun 戲文 | hichi 魚翅
1. 在慈禧太后六十大寿时,地方官把一套大型手捏戏文泥人《蟠桃会》供奉内廷那太监匍匐在皇太后面前。
When empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set, Immortality Peach Gathering.
2. 其实真实的皇帝圣旨并没有奉天成运,皇帝诏曰和钦此的这些套话,这主要是古代戏文中是这么唱的,现在的电视也这么演,大家就认为是这样的。
In fact, the real emperor edicts are not Mukden into a movement, the Emperor Qin Chao Yue and those cliches, mainly the ancient text is so sing opera, and now TV has such a speech, everyone would think so.
3. 戏文的解释
3. 全本分四卷,共有64段,据郑之珍《目连救母劝善戏文》本改编而成,但也有一定的差异。
The play was recomposed from The Play on Mulian Rescues His Mother, but with some differences.
4. 戏文的意思
4. 他因最喜串戏,且串的都是风月戏文
His being a monk was out of necessity of remorse and redemption.
5. 白先勇把同一段戏文熔铸在他的故事里,使之成为更有机的整体。
The same aria figures in an even more organic fashion in Pai's story.
6. 其中有些戏文为全国其他戏曲剧种所罕见。
Among them some drama text are very rare in our country.
7. 以话本小说和戏文剧本为代表的大众文学的繁荣反映了正在兴起的世俗化文学思潮。
The popular literary represented by novels and drama script gave the development of literary thoughts news subjects.
8. 现存南曲戏文剧本《张协状元》,可以确认为宋代的作品,大约创作于南宋后期,为认识当时戏剧的面貌和发展水平提供了依据。
It serves as an evidence for the development of Chinese opera and an example of its artistic level.
9. 还乐于披上他戏文的彩袍!
And joyed to wear the dressing of his lines!
10. 戏文
10. 通过比较看出,婚变戏文和婚变杂剧在婚变模式和婚变内涵上有很大的差异。
The skit and variety plays of marital conversion show great contrast in both the models and the connotation.
11. 这些剧目是老百姓的创作,反映了老百姓的心声,戏文浅显,明白如话,有大量方言俚语,生活气息非常浓厚,最受老百姓喜爱。
The repertoire is the creation of the common people, reflecting the aspirations of ordinary people, drama and plainer, and to understand, such as if a large number of dialects, slang, breath of life is very strong, most people love.
12. 清同治到光绪年间,出现大量戏剧为题材的戏文泥人,这也是惠山泥人历史上最昌盛的时期。
From Emperor Tongzhi's to Guangxu's reign in the Qing Dynasty, more opera figurines were produced and the Huishan clay figurine production reached the height of its development.
13. 《琵琶记》是宋元婚变戏文的巅峰之作,体现了高明对婚变现象的伦理反思,表达作者对儒家伦理价值系统的朦胧困惑。
The Story of the Lute, the finial work of the skit of this type, embodied Gao Ming's ethic reconsideration of the marital conversion phenomenon, and displayed his obscure bewilderment over the value system of Confucianism.
14. 在此基础上,以语音学、文字学、方言学、训诂学等理论为指导,为闽南方言古戏文的校注总结出一些行之有效的原则。
On this basis, this paper, taking as guidance the theories of phonology, philology, dialectology, and critical interpretation of ancient texts, tries to summarizes some effective principles for emendation and annotation of ancient actors'lines in South Fujian dialect.
15. 本文首先从语言现象入手,确认了这两种珍贵的明刊戏文的方言归属问题。
This paper begins initially with the linguistic phenomenon and confirms the belong-to problem of the dialect of the actors'lines published in the said precious books in the Ming Dynasty.
16. 戏文是异于宋金杂剧、始趋成熟的戏剧形式。
Xiwen (a drama script) is a mature form of drama different from Zaju (a variety play or poetic drama) in the Song and Jin Dynasties.
17. 人们经常通过对成语与俗语、诗文与名句、歌词与戏文的仿拟,创造表义明确又妙趣横生的广告词。
The advertising agents often produce clear and witty advertisement words by immitation on set phrase and popular sayings, poems and words of songs and plays.
18. 明刊闽南方言戏文中的语言研究
A Language Study on the Ancient Actors'Lines in South Fujian Dialect Published Ming Dynasty
19. 本文以永乐大典戏文三种为中心,对其形式体制、角色表演和题材结构进行系统的比较和分析。
This thesis, based on Yong Le Da Dian Xi Wen San Zhong, has been written to systematically compare and analyze its format and system, role and performance, as well as subject and structure.
20. 另外,戏文三种作为早期南戏,已经具备了后世戏剧创作的基本结构模式和塑造人物的方法。
In addition, the three plays as one of the representatives of Southern Plays, consists of basic structure patterns and methods of creating a play and modeling a character.