

成败利钝[chéng bài lì dùn]

词典success or failure, sharp or dull -- victory or defeat

词典success or failure胜败;成败;胜负;成败利钝。

词典carrying on smoothly or not smoothly成败利钝。

词典fair or foul成败利钝。

成败利钝 汉英大词典

成败利钝[chéng bài lì dùn]


success or failure, sharp or dull -- victory or defeat; success or failure; carrying on smoothly or not smoothly; fair or foul; success or failure, smooth going or rough; Whether this will be successful or not ....:


    irrespective of success or failure;


    Whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to predict.

成败利钝 双语例句

1. 而中国城市发展的成败利钝很大程度上取决于城市发展战略的正误优劣。
    Whether it will come true relies on the quality of urban development strategy.

2. 成败利钝

2. 这就是我们奉行的政策,成败利钝,在所不计。
    This is the policy upon which we will act, come what will.

3. 他损害了自己后半生的前程,他不顾成败利钝冒险地签上了自己的名姓,并且,想到了将来的苦恼,想到了就会压在身上的黑暗贫穷,想到了整个物质上的匮乏和全部精神上的折磨造成的远景,他感到恐怖了,终于走到那个珠宝商人的柜台边放下了三万六千金法郎,取了那串新项链。
    He compromised all the rest of his life, risked signing a note without even knowing whether he could meet it; and, frightened by the trouble yet to come, by the black misery that was about to fall upon him, by the prospect of all the physical privations and moral tortures that he was to suffer, he went to get the new necklace, laying upon the jeweler's counter thirty-six thousand francs.

4. 成败利钝的解释

4. 他损害了自己后半生的前程,他不顾成败利钝冒险地签上了自己的名姓,并且,想到了将来的苦恼,想到了就会压在身上的黑暗贫穷,想到了整个物质上的匮乏和全部精神上的折磨造成的远景,他感到恐怖了,终于走到那个珠宝商人的柜台边放下了三万六千金法郎,取了那串新项链。
    He mortgaged the whole remaining years of his existence, risked his signature without even knowing if he could honour it, and, appalled at the agonising face of the future, at the black misery about to fall upon him, at the prospect of every possible physical privation and moral torture, he went to get the new necklace and put down upon the jeweller's counter thirty-six thousand francs.

5. 成败利钝尚难逆料。
    Whether this will be successful or not is still difficult to predict.