1. come to a grinding halt:reconstruct the distant past 还原历史 | come to a grinding halt 戛然而止 | be pitted with holes 坑洼不平
2. jrez:jrbs遽然变色 | jrez戛然而止 | kbzx堀北真希
3. screeching halt:These and many more questions can bring an infoproduct to a这些问题和许多其他问题,可以带... | screeching halt.戛然而止. | That's why I want you to get excited about creating your OWN这也就是为什么我要你...
4. 戛然而止的意思
4. die the death:die out 灭绝 | die the death 戛然而止 | die through 因...而死(主观:疏忽)