扬扬自得[yáng yáng zì dé]
词典be proud and pleased with oneself:扬扬得意;扬扬自得。
词典be complacent:骄傲自满;扬扬自得。
词典be very pleased with oneself:扬扬自得;洋洋自得;暖暖姝姝;自鸣得意。
词典feel oneself highly flattered:得意洋洋;扬扬自得。
扬扬自得[yáng yáng zì dé]
be proud and pleased with oneself; be complacent; be very pleased with oneself; feel oneself highly flattered; elated; flushed; self-complacent; self-contented; self-satisfied
1. 她对自己的新车扬扬自得。
She crowed about her new car.
2. 扬扬自得的反义词
2. 我未领受任何关怀学术者的恩情,便把工作推进到今日的局面,所以在这项工作行将结束时,自然不会因为丝毫不能得到恩情而感到失望,因为我早已从希望的梦想中清醒过来——在那梦想中我曾一度扬扬自得,自诩为大人您。
I hope it is no very cynical asperity not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the Public should consider me as owing that to a Patron, which Providence has enabled me to do for myself.
3. 这城市屹立在神秘的白色和紫红色中,屹立在白色的朦胧中,宛如昨夜的梦,新鲜、新奇、难以置信……但它确实屹立在扬扬自得的物质主义的高傲和自豪中。
In unearthly white and mauve, shadow of white, the city rose, like a dream dreamed overnight, new, remorselessly new, impossibly new...
4. 扬扬自得
4. 我未领受任何关怀学术者的恩情,便把工作推进到今日的局面,所以在这项工作行将结束时,自然不会因为丝毫不能得到恩情而感到失望,因为我早已从希望的梦想中清醒过来--在那梦想中我曾一度扬扬自得,自诩为大人您。
Having carried on my work thus far with so little obligation to any favorer of learning, I shall not be disappointed though I should conclude it, if less be possible, with less; for I have been long wakened from that dream of hope, in which I once boasted myself with so much exultation, my Lord.
5. 答案似乎是丰盈的低息贷款让投资者于诱惑下变得扬扬自得。
The answer seems to be an abundance of cheap money, which lured investors into complacency.
6. 扬扬自得
6. 孔雀听了这些恭维,变得扬扬自得,他开始用一种招摇的奇怪的舞姿来展示他华丽的羽毛。
The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colourful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance.
7. 他的评语颇有点扬扬自得。
His comments were positively triumphant.