1. 在这个寒冷的季节里,乳白色的风像惊狂了的大精灵,扯天扯地的奔来跑去,它将墙角的纸屑、树叶卷到空中,像断了线的风筝似的飘飘摇摇的上下乱飞。
In this cold season, the white shock of the wind like a big mad wizard, pulling and pushing of days ran back and forth, it will corner of the paper, roll the leaves into the air, like flying off the line like Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind flying up and down shake.
2. 扯天扯地
2. 那一天下雨,大街上湿漉漉的,行人们都埋着头匆匆赶路,仿佛被扯天扯地的雨丝鞭打着双脚。
That day, rain, wet streets, the line of people are Mai Zhuotou hurry hurry, as if moving sharply days pulling the strands of rain drift to whip the feet.
3. 郝威尔见这扯天扯地的大雨,不禁悲从中来,他喃喃地问马克。
Seeing the heavy downpour, Howell couldn't help feeling sadness welling up.